Understanding LASIK Laser Eye Surgery
Eye problems such as visual impairment, astigmatism, hyperopia and myopia are just few of the many visual disorders that many people suffer from. Many people- young or old are suffering from these related problems. If you’re thinking to go through LASIK eye surgery, you’re making one good decision. LASIK so far, is one of the best medical treatments for eye disorders. The probability of healing is generally high, and the whole procedure is very convenient. It will just take about 30 minutes and you can have your visual problems corrected and you can stop wearing external lenses like eye glasses and contact lenses.
If you want to understand how LASIK Denver works, you must also have an understanding of the cornea which is the focal point of the entire procedure. Cornea is the transparent layer on the eye that covers the other important parts such as pupil and iris. The main function of cornea is to refract light, positioning the eyes to capture the images for brain processing. Cornea makes up the biggest portion of the human eye and controls vision. Abnormalities in the cornea cause many eye problems.
LASIK, short for Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis, is an eye surgery procedure that targets to restructure the irregularities in the cornea. Using a thin flap, the surgeon reshapes the cornea for it to refract and function properly. The entire procedure is composed of three steps. First is the structuring of corneal flaps; second is reshaping the cornea beyond the flap using laser; and third, repositioning the flap. The whole process takes less than half of an hour. Many opt to LASIK eye surgery because it’s painless and has high probability of permanently correcting the eye problem. You may feel some uneasiness after the procedure. Your eyes may become itchy. Also, see our Denver Lasik blog.
Yet, at the end of the day, you will be satisfied on how quick and effective the operation is. Once the LASIK procedure succeeds, you can say goodbye to those eye glasses. You can go out with eyes wide open and witness how colorful the world really is.