Our staff always respects your privacy rights. The following guidelines dictate the way in which we protect the privacy of its users and by accessing, browsing or using this site, you recognize that you have read, understand and agree with the provisions contained herein. While you can see the site without registering or offering any personal information, you will need to provide some individual information if you decide to register or request any of our medical services.
It may be required for our medical office staff to use and disclose your medical and or financial information to help with the collection of payments by third-party or to help us facilitate the collection of data for administrative reasons. This type of medical information may be disclosed to insurance companies, HMO’s and/or PPO’s, managed care organizations, IPA’s, Medicare/Medicaid, or any organizations contracting with any of the above entities to perform these types of actions. Medical records may be delivered to a primary care physician or any other doctor that is directly or indirectly responsible for your medical care or the payment thereof.
Our office staff does not disclose any of your medical or financial information for any reason it has not been previously stated without your consent. You may repeal your authorization at any time. Also, you may request restrictions on particular uses and disclosures. If you have a requested restriction, our medical office is not required to correspond.
It is our legal responsibility to maintain a privacy policy regarding your personal information, to abide by the terms, and to provide you with this notice of privacy practices. With regard to our privacy practices, we reserve the right to change, update, or revise our privacy practices with regard to personal information.